Thursday, February 23, 2012

So... why "Eclectic?"

eclec-tic, adj, \e-‘klek-tik, i-\

1 : selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles
2 : composed of elements drawn from various sources

Origin: Greek eklektikos, from eklegein to select, from ex- out + legein to gather


In our modern world, it seems to me that people identify (themselves and others) with singular labels.  This guy is a Lawyer, that gal is a Doctor, etc., etc., etc.  It’s convenient and easy for us to visualize a person within a well-defined box.

Cross country in the snow.  Yup: crazy!
Me: I’m a Runner.

I bet you just got a very specific visual: skinny, short shorts, up early to put in a quick 15 miles in the freezing cold.  And crazy to boot.

So, hold onto that visual.

I’m also a Musician.  A Runner and a Musician.  (New visual: “Runner,” as before, but in a beetle-back tux.)

And a Christian.  A Runner, a Musician, and a rabid Christian.  (Runner, in a tux, crossing himself every 10 steps.)

Oh yeah, and I’m also…

You get the point?  Each and every one of us is a multi-faceted individual, with many different interests and/or passions.  Box-people need not apply.

This is my list, in order of importance.

First, I’m a Christian.  Bona fide Jesus Freak.

Second, I’m a Husband.  My relationship with my wife is the most important thing in this world to me, outside of that with my Lord and Savior.  Words can’t describe how amazing she is, and I can’t imagine life without her.

Third, I’m a Runner.  Duh.

Forth, I’m a Musician, specifically a bass trombonist, vocalist, and theorist.  I have a smattering of skill on other instruments and have dabbled in composition.  Outside of running, music in general – and trombone specifically – is my other passion in life.

Actually… maybe music is 3rd and running is 4th… depends on the day.

Me and my beautiful wife, Sarah, on
the beach in Maui.  I went on my first
beach run that day, and I loved it!
Fifth, I’m a Traveler.  Some of my greatest pleasures come from visiting new places (and then running there!).  This world has far too many cool things to do and see to just sit at home!  To this point, luxury cruising is my favorite mode of locomotion.

Me and Sarah hiking Chasm Lake
on Longs Peak
Sixth… everything else.  I’m a life-long learner, and nearly any new subject can suck me in like a black hole.  I’m particularly keen on aviation and military history and just about anything related to nature.  I love to read and really enjoy a good story: sci-fi and fantasy are favorites, and military history.

I'm in the green, and that's
totally a kill shot to his ribs.
I’m a swordsman, and I studied Renaissance rapier and smallsword for about 10 years starting in college.  I’m WAY out of practice right now and itchin’ to start again soon!  I love getting outdoors, and every summer my wife and I do a number of hikes in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, within spitting distance of our home.  I’m a role-player… yes, kinda like the Dungeons & Dragons thing (but probably not as dorky as you’re thinking).  I also enjoy board games of many types, especially strategy/tactics games.

How’s your visual now?

I guess my point is this: you can’t really put “me” in a box of any shape.  I probably couldn’t put you in a box, either.  Running may color the way I see life, but it’s not the complete picture.  That’s really what this blog is about: my life, in total, colored by my passion for running.

So come run – and play trombone, and travel, and learn, and fence, and read, and game – with Eclectic Me.  At the very least, it won’t be boring.

Oh… and “up early” is a four-letter word, as far as I’m concerned.  Run on, my friends!

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